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November 2014 Updates

Published On:
Nov 30, 2014
Last Updated:
Nov 30, 2014
  • Added [Desmear and Etch/pcb-design/desmear-and-etchback/nd-etchback) under Electronics->PCB Design.
A via which has been plated after etchback was done, notice the ‘three-point connection’.
A side on photo of a IMS PCB with an aluminium base.
  • New .bss Section page under Programming->Languages->C.

  • Added more info and photos to the Castellation page.

  • Added more information about current-sense resistors to the Resistors page.

  • Added more information about analogue and digital temperature sensors to the Temperature Sensor page.

  • Fixed the problem with the asterisks appearing after page headers throughout the website, for more info is the post Two Bugs Which Need Fixing Soon….

  • Starting using HTML5 canvas objects to draw diagrams. See the IMS PCBs page for some examples.

  • Fixed plugin conflict between Raw HTML Pro and Preserved HTML Editor Markup, which were both trying to do the same thing and somehow causing HTML/Javascript code in posts to get corrupted. I disabled the Preserved HTML Editor Markup plugin and now Raw HTML Pro seems to be working fine (raw HTML/Javascript is preserved when saving, and also when switching between the visual and text editor).

  • Updated candy-calc, fixed bug where characters where being deleted from inputs if non-numeric.

  • Removed non-embedded engineering related pages from website.

  • Made Online Calculators a main menu entry.

  • The “Component Packages page” is now been moved to be a sub-page of PCB Design. I have now started creating a separate page per package as the single page was getting a little too large.

  • New SOD-523 Component Package page.

  • Added Linear Regulators page under Electronics->Components->Power Regulators.

  • Updates to the AltiumScriptCentral repo, including a new polygon generator!

  • Updates to the Altium Scripting page and the VBScript page.

  • New RF Design section under Electronics.

  • New page on 2D Coordinate Rotation under Mathematics.

2D co-ordinate rotation equations.
  • New info about SEPICs added to the Power Converters page.

  • Removed the double title bug which occurred when I started using a new SEO plugin,

  • New tip on adding direct connect style to specific pads in Altium to the Altium Tricks And Standards page.

  • The Gerber file page has now been renamed to PCB Data Formats, and more information regarding other PCB file formats such as ODB++, Gerber X2 and IPC-2581B have been added.