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Geoffrey Hunter Author
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A bootloader is a separate program in a computers memory that is run when you want to update the main application that resides at different memory address(es). They are commonly added to microcontrollers to update the main firmware application. Bootloaders will use a communication protocol/transport to "download" new firmware from a host computer (e.g. laptop via cable, or server on the internet). Common transports include UART, RS-232, I2C, CAN, Ethernet, WiFi or Bluetooth.

The bootloader will typically verify the downloaded image using a checksum or hash before allowing the new version of firmware to run. The bootloader can either then force a reset and boot into the new application, or allow it to happen at a more convenient time in the future. The bootloader can also enforce that the application "checks in" and states it's ok (typically once initialization is complete) otherwise it will fall back to the previous version.

Bootloaders are typically the first thing that is run whenever the microcontroller is reset. This gives the bootloader control over what application to then boot.

Memory Layout

The image below shows what the memory layout might look like for a microcontroller using a basic bootloader. The Reset Vector is the first instruction executed by the microcontroller on start-up. This is typically located at memory address 0x0000 0000 (the Intel 8086 processor is a notable exception). The reset vector usually contains a "goto" (jump) instruction will tells the CPU to jump to the bootloaders entry point. The bootloader will then execute. The bootloader could then initialise a transport to download new firmware, e.g. over UART. It then might wait for a message for a fixed amount of time. After 10s the chance to download firmware passes, and then the bootloader jumps to the start of the application executable.

A basic example showing the layout of a microcontrollers memory when a bootloader is used.

Erase Cycles

Flash memory has a limited number of erase cycles, and you have to be careful you do not exceed this number during the lifetime of the device.

Multiple Application Images

Relocation can be problematic for memory. When your firmware application undergoes the linking step during compilation, then linker assigns memory addresses for all the functions and static variables in your code. It needs to know where the executable is being placed in memory to do this. But what if you have two different images, which require different offsets?

One solution is a swap algorithm.

Swap-Scratch Algorithm

The Swap-Scratch algorithm is a way of swapping two firmware images in flash memory.

The scratch area must be large enough to hold the largest sector that is going to be swapped.

Swap-Move Algorithm

Illustration of the swap-move algorithm to swap two firmware images using just a single extra erase sector in slot 0.
  • a): All of the segments in slot 0 are moved one segment up, starting by copying segment 3 into the empty sector, then segment 2 into where segment 3 used to be, e.t.c. This moves the empty segment to the start of slot 0.
  • b): The first segment of slot 1 is moved down to the empty segment.
  • c): The first segment of slot 0 is moved up to where the first segment of slot 1 used to be.
  • d): The process repeats (b) and c)) now with the second segments of each slot.
  • e): This continues until...
  • f): All segments have been swapped over and the empty segment is back at the end of slot 0. Job done! Note that the contents of each slot have been swapped. I've get the old names for each slot to highlight the fact they have moved. Technically speaking though, slot 0 is still in the same place, it just now has the contents of what used to be in slot 1.

To illustrate examples clearly, we only show a small number of segments. In reality, each firmware image will consume a much larger number of segments.

Each segment in slot 0 is erased/written to twice and each segment in slot 1 is erased/written to once. This is a significant improvement over the Swap-Scratch algorithm which performs as many erase/write cycles as there are segments.


TODO: Add info here.

Golden Image

A golden image is a firmware application with minimal support for firmware updating. If updating over-the-air (OTA), than this image must include basic wireless comms support. It is usually stored either in external flash or in a protected area of the microcontrollers internal memory. It is loaded by the bootloader if the main application is faulty, and in that sense, it is a backup application which is guaranteed to work.

Bootloader Libraries


MCUboot is a popular, open-source, secure bootloader for 32-bit microcontrollers. As of Jan 2024 it has 1.1k star on GitHub, 2,201 commits and active development month over month. It is designed to be run from flash memory1.

A screenshot of MCUboot's homepage as of Jan 2024.

It currently supports the following frameworks/OSes:

The MCUboot implementation for Zephyr supports Bluetooth bootloading. The Nordic nRF app can be used to bootload during development.

The output to the Zephyr shell just after a new image has been downloaded, the MCU reboots and MCUboot performs a swap of the images.


  1. MCUboot. MCUboot - Secure boot for 32-bit Microcontrollers! [project homepage]. Retrieved 2024-01-27, from

  2. MCUboot. MCUboot simulator - README. Retrieved 2024-01-27, from