Happy New Year 2020
A big happy new year to you from Geoff here at blog.mbedded.ninja. Looking back at this blog in 2019, below are some interesting statistics from the 2019 year.
Statistics for 2019
This is the second year in a row in which I have used Google Analytics for statistics.
Year | No. Page Views | No. Users |
2017 | 83k | 41k |
2018 | 116k | 63k |
2019 | 99k | 49k |

A page view is a single view of a page (which can be a returning or new user). A user is a unique person who has visited this website at least once.
Most Popular Pages
Ranked by number of page views:
Compared to the top 10 pages of 2018:
For the first time ever, we see Linux-related pages take over the top positions that were held by Altium-related pages for at least the last 5 years. There were no hugely different page categories that entered the top 10 list this year.
Most Popular Referrers
Goal Completion
Looking back at the goals set at the start of 2019, most of them were fully completed!
- DONE: Utilize Hugo to it’s fullest capabilities. Although the migration from Wordpress to Hugo is complete, I feel like I have not yet explored all of the possibilities that Hugo allows. This includes sitemaps, RSS feeds, automatic thumbnail creation, better shortcodes, e.t.c.
- PARTIALLY DONE: Find a way to reliably detect dead links as they occur, along with an easy way of fixing them. This was enabled for internal links everytime the site is compiled (using a Hugo shortcode), but is harder to do for external links due to the amount of time/bandwidth required to check all the links.
- DONE: Move all of the mbedded.ninja GitHub repos into my own personal account, as there is no real need for a mbedded.ninja “organization” on GitHub, at it just leads to extra work and confusion on where repos are.
- DONE: Remove all the excess images in the blog repository. As a result of the Wordpress migration, there are many copies of a single image, each at a slightly different pixel size (I’m assuming they were created as part of a page load speed optimization in Wordpress). These are un-needed as Hugo can resize images at build time to correctly fit the container on the page. These extra images are just using up repo space.
- DONE: And of course, as always, add more content!
Plans For This Year
- Integrate more of the calculators at calc.mbedded.ninja into the pages of this blog (blog.mbedded.ninja).
is not getting the exposure I first hoped. It could potentially be because of the SPA’s (Single Page Application) poor SEO (Search Engine Optimization), as it uses the Javascript framework Vue to render everything on the client side. Google’s search bots are meant to be able to handle indexing this sort of thing in 2019, but it still may be performing worse in the search rankings than it it was SSR (Server Side Rendered).