January 2015 Updates
Removed the hyperlink underlining from all images inserted into posts/pages with the Wordpress media manager by tweaking the theme’s style.css file.
Moved the Communication Protocols page from under Electronics->Circuit Design to sit directly under it’s parent Electronics.
Columbus radio project complete! See more on the Columbus Radio project page.
Updates to the Time Measurement Systems page.
New page on Vacuum Tubes under Electronics->Components.
Begun to use Embedly to embed PDFs into pages throughout this site.
Moved info from the PCB Design page to a new child page called Pads, Vias And Holes. Added information to this page about direct-connect vs. thermal-relief style pad/via connections.

Installation of the Easy FancyBox Wordpress plugin which should make images throughout the site look much better when clicked upon.
New section called Removing Exposed-Pad Vias That Are Automatically Added By The Footprint Wizard added to the Altium Tricks And Standards page.
Information added to the Time Measurement Systems page about Leap Smears.
Additions to the Power Management page about UVLO (under-voltage lockout).
Added info about Low-capacitance TVS diodes to the Diodes page.
New page, Arithmetic Operators, under Programming->Languages->C.
Added information about the atomicity of the C language’s increment and decrement operators.
Information added to the Diodes page about Steering Diodes.
New page, Bootloaders.
New page, Inheritance, under Programming->Languages->C++.
New page, Switch Statements added under Programming->Languages->C.
New page, Managing Large Repos under Programming->Version Control Systems->Mercurial.
New page, Managing Large Repos under Programming->Version Control Systems->Git.
New page, Inrush Current, under Electronics->Circuit Design.
New page, WSON Component Package, under PCB Design->Component Packages.
New info regarding leakage currents and insulation resistance to the Capacitors page.
More “How To’s” on the Drawing Schematics With TikZ And CircuitikZ page.
More information about thermal relief and direct connections to the Pads, Vias And Holes page under PCB Design.