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January 2015 Updates

Published On:
Jan 31, 2015
Last Updated:
Jan 31, 2015
  • Removed the hyperlink underlining from all images inserted into posts/pages with the Wordpress media manager by tweaking the theme’s style.css file.

  • Moved the Communication Protocols page from under Electronics->Circuit Design to sit directly under it’s parent Electronics.

  • Columbus radio project complete! See more on the Columbus Radio project page.

  • Updates to the Time Measurement Systems page.

  • New page on Vacuum Tubes under Electronics->Components.

  • Begun to use Embedly to embed PDFs into pages throughout this site.

  • Moved info from the PCB Design page to a new child page called Pads, Vias And Holes. Added information to this page about direct-connect vs. thermal-relief style pad/via connections.

The pad on the left has a direct-connect style to the surrounded polygon pour, while the pad on the right has a thermal-relief connection style.