Drawing Schematics With TikZ And CircuitikZ
QuickLatex Setup
The code below shows the basic setup to draw a Circuitikz diagram in a Wordpress post using the QuickLatex plugin.
\begin{tikzpicture}[+preamble] \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[siunitx]{circuitikz}[/preamble] % Draw a non-polarized capacitor. \draw (0,0) to [C, l=$C$] (0,2);\end{tikzpicture}
Add the actual Circuitikz code between the end of the preamble and the end of the tikzpicture elements.
Adding A Background
Sometimes in can be beneficial to add a background to the circuit drawing. This is true when using QuickLatex with Wordpress to render Circuitikz (as this site does), as by default it uses a transparent background, which is good for inline equations, but not so much for circuit drawings.
\useasboundingbox [fill=white!10] (-1,-1) rectangle (3,3);
Tailor the corners of the rectangle to provide the correct size background for your circuit drawing.
The three types of capacitors used are easily drawn.
% Draw a unpolarised capacitor.\draw (0,0) to [C, l=$C$] (0,2);% Draw a polarised capacitor.\draw (0,0) to [pC, l=$C$] (0,2);% Draw a variable capacitor.\draw (0,0) to [vC, l=$C$] (0,2);
Unpolarised capacitor. | Polarised capacitor. | Variable capacitor. |
Op-Amps And Comparators
Op-amps and caparators share the same symbol.
\draw % Draw an op-amp (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {} (opamp.+) node[left] {$v_+$} (opamp.−) node[left] {$v_−$} (opamp.out) node[right] {$v_o$};
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1][+preamble]\usepackage{tikz}\usepackage[siunitx]{circuitikz}[/preamble]\draw% Draw an op-amp(0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {}(opamp.+) node[left] {$v_+$}(opamp.−) node[left] {$v_−$}(opamp.out) node[right] {$v_o$};\end{tikzpicture}
Dashed Lines
It took me awhile to get dashed lines to work, here is the correct way to draw them:
% Make sure to use a separate draw command for dashed lines,% rather than tacking it onto another one!\draw[dashed] (-0.5,0) -- (2,0);
Make sure to use a separate draw command for dashed lines, rather than tacking it onto another one, otherwise you will find all lines in that draw command will become dashed.