November 2017 Updates
New Auto (Specifier) page under Programming->Languages->C++.
New Streams page under Programming->Languages->C++.
New Affine Transformations page under Mathematics.
New Projective Transformations page under Mathematics.

New GCC Profiling page under Programming->Compilers->GCC.

New Premade Recipes page under Programming->Embedded Linux->Yocto.
Updated the Python SWIG Bindings From C++ page with a tutorial on how to pass (and call) callbacks from Python code to C++ code, and information on custom typemaps and typechecks (with working code examples).
New BlogAssets repository and a central place to store all code examples/diagram source files for this website.
New Visual Studio Code page under Programming->Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).
Fixed many of the broken links (approx. 60) on this blog, via the help of the great Wordpress plugin Broken Link Checker.
Added new [Git Subtrees page](/programming/version-control-systems/git/git-subtrees) under Programming->Version Control Systems->Git.
Created a new repo called CppTemplate (on GitHub), with the purpose being for it to provide a way to quick start development on a new C++ project.
New [GCC Code Coverage pa/programming/compilers/gcc/gcc-code-coverage/rage) under Programming->Compilers->GCC.