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Changes Over The Last 3 Months

Published On:
Mar 28, 2013
Last Updated:
Mar 28, 2013

The C, C++, and C# programming pages have been updated with lots more info.

I changed the syntax highlighter plugin from Syntax Highlighter Evolved to the more feature rich Crayon Syntax Highlighter. Code should be displayed better with this plugin, as I was experiencing tab conversion problems (when pasting from other programs) with the other plugin. I haven’t got the colours quite right yet (the old plugin theme looks nicer!)…but I’m working on that.

A comparison between the old and new syntax highlighter plugin used on CladLabs.

I managed to tweak the Add Descendants To Menu Items plugin to only include children in the menu, and not grand-children descendants or further. Visit the Wordpress Plugins That This Site Uses page to see how to modify it. It now means I can add as many grandchildren to the menu pages without them cluttering up the menu. This has allowed me to split large single-page topics into smaller many-page sections, and improves the readability of this site.