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April 2024 Updates

Published On:
May 31, 2024
Last Updated:
May 31, 2024

NinjaTerm got four releases this May! Given all the time I spent on NinjaTerm there were no updates to this blog.

NinjaTerm can now display numerical data types such as hex, uint8, uint16, float32, e.t.c.:

You can now send a 200ms break signal by pressing Ctrl-Shift-B when the terminal is focused and the serial port open.

You can now specify a custom baud rate, and updated the default baud rates to include more common options.

A circular progress modal is shown while the port is being opened.

NinjaTerm has a new macros feature which lets you send pre-defined ASCII or HEX sequences out the serial port:

You now have the ability to select the flow-control method (none or hardware) when opening a serial port:

NinjaTerm has a new profiles feature which lets you save and load different serial port configurations.