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December 2023 Updates

Published On:
Dec 31, 2023
Last Updated:
Dec 31, 2023 now has a dark mode. New CSS styling rules have been created to properly colour things when in dark mode, and a little JS script has been added to respond to the light/dark toggle button click and store the preference in the users local storage.

The page structure got modified. I wanted to improve the main left navigation menu. So I created a top navbar for the site logo, name and light/dark mode toggle. And then the left column is dedicated purely to the navigation menu. The on hover styling has been improved, with a clear indication you can click the chevron to expand/collapse a sub-menu. The chevrons are now all aligned on the right of the menu rather than on the left.

Updated the VMIN and VTIME information on Linux Serial Ports Using C/C++.

Added info on converting a version string into numbers to the C String Manipulation page. This page was also restructured to read better.

Added info on the Zephyr Hardware Info Interface (including reset causes).

Added more info on Benchtop PSUs to the Electronics Tools page.

Started a page on Triangles, and added information about the Law of Sines to it.