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November 2023 Updates

Published On:
Nov 30, 2023
Last Updated:
Nov 30, 2023
  • Just like last month, this month I was (almost) solely focused on NinjaTerm development. We went from v4.7.0 through to v4.12.0 in the month of November. Updates to NinjaTerm are highlighted below.

  • Added glyphs to the Unicode PUA range of the NinjaTerm font to show control characters and hex codes.

  • Added logging functionality.
  • Last serial port details and connection state are remembered across App reloads, and NinjaTerm can automatically reconnect to previously used serial port.

  • Added ability for NinjaTerm to reopen serial port (when available) after unexpected closure.

  • Added ability to filter rows of terminal text.

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

  • One change with this blog is that I started playing around with the idea of adding ads. I personally don’t like ads but they might help pay for the upkeep of this site (domain registration, DNS, hosting, and software licenses for designing things like the diagrams). I have enabled Google AdSense. In it’s current form the ads are pretty horrible (e.g. disruptive pop-ups), so I’ll be tuning them and making sure they are not so invasive in the near future. If they don’t end up making much money, I might remove them altogether.