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Happy New Year 2023

Published On:
Jan 1, 2023
Last Updated:
Jan 1, 2023

Statistics for 2022

2022 saw 384k (384,000) page views! This was up from 267k last year, an increase of 117k or 44%.

Graphs of page views and content including 2022.

At the end of 2022 the site had 604k words, up from 536k words last year (an increase of 68k). These words were spread over 1168 pages, and included 4,319 images (and increase of 330 from 3989 images last year).

The top 10 most popular pages, ranked by number of page views:

The top 10 most visited pages of 2022.

Programming related pages took the top spots of 1, 2, 3 and 5 (num. 4 was the homepage), with the first electronics related pages coming in at positions 6, 8 and 9.


As usual, most of the traffic was from organic search (e.g. Google search engine).

Top 5 sources of acquisition traffic in 2022.


In 2022 I added a Ko-fi donation button. I wasn’t expecting much (if anything), but some kind person donated $30 last year. I’ll celebrate that!

Plans For The 2023 Year

  • More content, and improving existing content: As always!
  • Phase out Asciidoc pages: Although Asciidoc gives me some nice features such as figure and table numbering, I’m worried enough about the future portability of the format to stick with ubiquitous markdown for now.
  • Add a dark mode: It’s easy on the eyes when the background is dark! I hope to follow the somewhat industry standard and add a dark mode toggle this year to the site.