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Happy New Year 2022

Published On:
Jan 1, 2022
Last Updated:
Jan 1, 2022

First of, happy new year!


This year I decided to present the stats a little differently and made the infographic below.

Blog statistics infographic for 2021.

The infographic image was made in “Canva” (an online diagram/image editing app). You can view the source image here.


  • Started the upgrade from CSS to SCSS (using hugo-extended).
  • Started migrating from Markdown to AsciiDoc (using AsciiDoctor support provided by Hugo).
  • Settled on a colour scheme and program (Affinity Designer) for drawing diagrams.
  • Purchased both Affinity Designer (for making diagrams) and Affinity Photo (for touching up photos), and both have been well worth their one-of purchase price (take that, Adobe and your subscription model).
  • Upgraded the main menu from hover style interface to an accordion style interface, making it more user friendly for people using touchscreen devices.
  • Upgraded the base layout of every page to use Bootstrap responsive columns, rather than my own custom CSS to achieve the same level of responsiveness.