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June 2021 Updates

Published On:
Jun 30, 2021
Last Updated:
Jun 30, 2021
  • Combined the “Passing A C++ Member Function To A C Callback” page into the “C++ Callbacks” page. Updated the page with much more info, including worked examples which use for hosting, compiling and running small snippets of C++ code.

  • Updated the Electrical Noise page with info on the various “Colours of Noise” including graphs (in both the time and frequency domains) of white, pink, red, and blue noise.

  • Starting testing the Asciidoc format and comparing it against the Markdown format.

  • Added schematics, equations, worked examples, and bode plots on Capacitance Multiplier circuits.

  • Removed the “Test And Measurement” section of the site. Moved the only page underneath it (the “Current Probes” page) to under “Tools” instead.

  • Added new info on AC/DC Electronic Loads.

  • Added info on Line Impedance Stabilization Networks (LISNs).

  • The main structure of this sites HTML was updated to use Bootstrap containers and columns to create a responsive layout. At the same time, the main menu was updated from a hover-based tree view to a expandable tree view which should be more friendly towards users with touch screen devices. The Table of Contents for pages is now also added at a fixed location in a right-hand column for large screen devices.

Before HTML/CSS Updates
After HTML/CSS Updates