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PID Tuner Tool Released In NinjaCalc

Published On:
May 10, 2018
Last Updated:
May 10, 2018

NinjaCalc has a new tool, a PID tuner! (UPDATE 2024-02: URL now unavailable) This PID tuner tool can be used to simulate/tune a PID controller, which is commonly used in industry to control things such as temperature, flow rates, speeds and all sorts of other things!

This PID tuner tool comes with two predefined processes that you can simulate/tune, a mass/spring/damper and R/C jet engine process. It also allows you to configure you own process to simulate/tune, via an editable JavaScript object.


Once you click the “Start” button, the PID tuner tool simulates the process and shows you the response of the process and PID controller. You can dynamically change the P, I and D terms of the PID controller while the simulation is running and see how this affects the response of the controller.

The PID tuner tool can be found here (UPDATE 2024-02: URL now unavailable).

More information on PID Controllers can be found on the PID Control page.