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Geodesic Calculator Added To NinjaCalc

Published On:
Feb 26, 2018
Last Updated:
Feb 26, 2018

NinjaCalc has a new calculator, a “Two Coordinate Geodesics” calculator (UPDATE 2024-02: URL now unavailable) that can help you analyse properties of two coordinates/points on the earth’s surface (defined by latitude/longitude).

Given two points in latitude/longitude form (both degrees and radians supported), the calculator can give you the great circle (shortest) distance between the two points, and the initial/final bearings. This calculator can also find an intermediate coordinate/point between the two coordinates, given a fractional amount (such as 0.5). All of these properties are calculated using the Haversine formula.

Figure 1: A screenshot of the ‘Two Coordinate Geodesics’ calculator in NinjaCalc.

All these properties are shown on a interactive model of the earth in 3D (the sphere can be rotated).

This calculator can be found in the NinjaCalc web app at … (UPDATE 2024-02: URL now unavailable).