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NinjaCalc v1.3.0 Released

Published On:
Jul 6, 2016
Last Updated:
Jul 6, 2016

NinjaCalc v1.3.0 has been released! The biggest change is the addition of a CRC calculator, which allows you to calculate the CRC value for ASCII or hex data, using either common pre-loaded CRC algorithms or your own custom algorithm.

Example usage of the CRC Calculator within NinjaCalc (

The custom algorithm section allows you to enter a CRC width from 1-64 bits, a CRC polynomial, initial value, XOR-out value, and whether the input data and/or the output CRC value is reflected. Then it will calculate the resultant CRC value.

Either download NinjaCalc v1.3.0 here, or open up your previous installation and click yes to update when prompted.

More information on CRC algorithms can be found on the CRCs (Cyclic Redundancy Checks) page.


  • Added CRC calculator, closes #122.
  • Fixed issue with install4j dependency, closes #123.
  • Removed .idea/workspace.xml file from repo, closes #124.
  • Added a text-based calculator variable, closes #125.
  • Added check so that calculator variables can’t be accidentally added to the same calculator twice, closes #126.
The NinjaCalc logo (with no transparency).