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Site Wide Disappearance Of Most Images

Published On:
Aug 1, 2013
Last Updated:
Aug 1, 2013

Just after I managed to get captions working again for images, there has been a side-wide disappearance of most images. The culprit is the newly released NextGEN Gallery v2.0, which as part of it’s major restructuring has stopped the support of traditional templates (I used to use a single pic template file to add the additional markup). The idea behind this latest version of NextGEN sounds good, but from my brief use it feels a little buggy and it sounds like plenty of existing plugins will have to be re-written, which is bound to annoy people.

I won’t be able to fix this until I port the code to it supports the new structure. What is a site like this without images! This is my “must fix real soon” list…