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NextGEN Template Code Gives Images A Caption And Fresh Look

Published On:
May 2, 2013
Last Updated:
May 2, 2013

After playing around with the NextGen plugin PHP files and this sites CSS style file, I have created what NextGEN calls a “template” for a single picture (in NextGEN lingo, a singlepic), which adds a border and the caption to the image. Which by-the-way, is a feature that NextGEN lacks, and should implement themselves!

Here is what images look like now, with the custom template applied.

When the NextGEN custom template code works!

Which, IMO, is a big improvement over what they used to be. They now have a nice, semi-transparent border, and include a caption below the image (which is associated with the image in the NextGEN gallery page). This is what they used to look like:

What images used to look like before the NextGEN caption and border template was added.

But…it’s not perfect…yet. As you can see below, in certain situations the images to go crazy.

When the NextGEN custom template code isn’t working correctly, this happens.

I am no full-time website designer. Playing with HTML objects like div’s and getting the right float setting, width, height, margin, alignment e.t.c can be a guestimate at the best of times. I will hopefully work out how to fix this sometime soon…

Note that this custom template has been disabled for the images in this post, otherwise you’d get the mirror-in-a-mirror look which would be utterly confusing.