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How To Use C++ With PSoC Creator

Published On:
Apr 3, 2013
Last Updated:
Apr 3, 2013

Ever wanted to write C++ for the PSoC 5 or 5LP chips in PSoC Creator?

Well, although PSoC Creator doesn’t natively support it, you can quite easily do a few ‘hacks’, and you’ll be writing in C++ in no time.

A new page Using C++ With PSoC Creator, explains the steps required to compile C++ code in Cypress’s PSoC Creator.

It covers the four main steps:

  1. Compiling with G++ rather than GCC using custom compiler flags
Adding custom command line flags in PSoC Creator to force GCC to use the C++ compiler.
  1. Wrapping C code with guards:

    extern C{< C code goes here>}
  2. Defining the operators new and delete (this is optional)

    void* operator new(size_t size)
  3. Prevent Exception Functionality

    Preventing exception functionality to prevent linker errors such as undefined reference to __gxx_personality_v0 and undefined reference to __cxa_end_cleanup (again, this is optional, and only applied if you want to use new and delete)

Add the custom compile flag ‘-fno-exceptions’ to every .cpp file you want to compile in PSoC Creator to prevent the ‘undefined reference to __gxx_personality_v0’ linker error.

The steps have pictures and code examples to help you through the process.

Checkout the page here.