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Electric Skateboard Project Finished!

Published On:
Jul 17, 2012
Last Updated:
Jul 17, 2012

So it’s finally finished! Many long-nights and weekends were spent finishing it off to a standard I was happy with! The wiring took a decent amount of time near the end, due to the enclosure quickly filling up with PCBs, wires and connectors, all requiring to be added in the correct order.

It is very fun to ride! Easily passes bikes and handles well and higher speeds, owing to it’s large wheels and stiff rubber pads for turning.

Some Essential Stats:

Top Speed: >40km/h (I haven’t reached it yet) Max Distance Between Charges: >15km (haven’t tested this yet either!)

Total Man Hours To Complete: 551.2 Time From First Starting Project: 2-years Total Money Spent: NZ$3611

And Time For Some Photos:

Finishing of the wiring.

Finishing off the last bit of wiring.

A mug shot of the board next to some greenery…

A mug shot of the finished board next to some greenery :-D.

Here is what it looks like at night time.

The electric skateboards lights proving useful at night.

More Info

If you want to see more info about it, go to the Electric Skateboard Project page.