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Electric Skateboard PCBs Arrived In The Wrong Colour

Published On:
Apr 11, 2012
Last Updated:
Apr 11, 2012

The Electric Skateboards arrived today from PCB Cart. The first thing I noticed is that the yellow soldermask I asked for was not yellow at all, but rather what can only be described as a dark spew orange. I was kind of disappointed about this, since I was hoping for a bright yellow that would match the colour of the pacman on the PCB. Also was the problem that the text on the remote PCB did not stand-out well against the dark orange, and it would be hard to read the user interface. I sent PCB Cart an email with a photo showing the colour, and they replied saying that it was the colour that they always used for yellow, and no one had complained about it before.

We reached an agreement that I could get them redone in another colour, paying have the manufacturing costs (about NZ$40), without paying for set-up costs (presumably because they still had the stencils), and with free shipping. I thought this was a fair deal and resubmitted the design to be made with a red soldermask and white silkscreen.

The photo below shows the gross orange colour compared to the kind of yellow I was expecting.

This photo shows the gross orange colour of the electric skateboard PCBs compared to the kind of yellow I was expecting.