Markdown Test Page
Is the breadcrumb working above ^^^ ?
The author should be listed above^^^.
There should be a TOC either above (narrow screens) or in the right sidebar (wide screen).
Bold, italics.
Page Title
Click to go to /test/alias1/, and /test/alias2/ which should both redirect back to this page.
/test/alias3/ should redirect to the relative test page.
Heading (h2) (should be a number on left)
Heading (h3)
Some display math with a reference:
Some inline math. . More normal text. When using units, values and units should be separated with \,
, e.g. and .
An equation with \begin{equation}
, which should be automatically numbered:
To align equations we can use:
These should be \small
and \tiny
Should have some descriptive text:
Below is an equation with two lines. The first line should not be numbered, the second one should be.
Following should say “Equation X” and link to the second line below: This is a placeholder for the reference: eqn-w-eq-y
Here should be three references to the three lines below:
- This is a placeholder for the reference: eqn-a-x
- This is a placeholder for the reference: eqn-a-y
- This is a placeholder for the reference: eqn-a-z
None of the equations should be numbered (but still should be aligned):
Custom Latex macros:
- This should be bold:
- This should be bold and have a hat:
Really long equation to make sure it doesn’t exceed 100% of the page width:
Paragraph below long equation.
We define an display an expression using \gdef
in the block below:
And you should be able to see the expression in other equation blocks like the one below:
A divider below:
Simple Markdown Table
A simple markdown table:
Heading 1 | Heading 2 |
abc | def |
ghi | jkl |
HTML Table with Caption
This is a placeholder for the reference: tbl-test-table is an HTML table with a caption. The caption should be below the table.
Heading 1 | Heading 2 |
abcdefghi | jklmnopqr |
Table Component with JS Data
This is a placeholder for the reference: tbl-astro-table-component-with-js-data is a table using the Table
component and the data provided from a Javascript object.
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | Column 5 |
Row 1, Column 1 | Row 1, Column 2 | Row 1, Column 3 | Row 1, Column 4 | Row 1, Column 5 |
Row 2, Column 1 | Row 2, Column 2 | Row 2, Column 3 | Row 2, Column 4 | Row 2, Column 5 |
Row 3, Column 1 | Row 3, Column 2 | Row 3, Column 3 | Row 3, Column 4 | Row 3, Column 5 |
Row 4, Column 1 | Row 4, Column 2 | Row 4, Column 3 | Row 4, Column 4 | Row 4, Column 5 |
Row 5, Column 1 | Row 5, Column 2 | Row 5, Column 3 | Row 5, Column 4 | Row 5, Column 5 |
Table Component with Transposed Data
This is a placeholder for the reference: astro-table-component-with-js-data-transposed is a table using the Table
component and the data provided from a Javascript object. The data is transposed, so the table is rotated 90 degrees.
Metric | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Num. Page Visits | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 |
Num. Sessions | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 |
Bounce Rate | 90% | 80% | 70% | 60% |
Avg. Session Duration | 10 min | 20 min | 30 min | 40 min |
A really wide table, which should have a horizontal scroll bar:
Heading 1 | Heading 2 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 |
Image from Relative _assets/ Directory
This is a placeholder for the reference: cartoon-ninja is an image which is stored with this test page in a relative _assets/

Image from Public Directory
Link to an image which is in the public directory is shown in This is a placeholder for the reference: fig-image-in-public-dir-for-test-page. There should be no space between the “Figure X” link in this paragraph and the full-stop after it.

Wide Image
A wide image to make sure it doesn’t exceed the page width:

Static Import Image
A static import image:
Floating Image
An image with float=“right”. This should be floating to the right of the text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In fringilla justo ac erat lacinia, non porta nibh commodo. Suspendisse velit orci, elementum nec lectus et, dapibus pharetra sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse vitae augue vel urna vulputate sodales sed rhoncus ante. Phasellus ultrices lacus sit amet neque scelerisque, ut fermentum elit hendrerit. Morbi sit amet purus massa. Ut hendrerit orci ut commodo vestibulum. Sed velit orci, dignissim eu lacus vitae, consequat iaculis dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc quis cursus justo, in sollicitudin risus.
Nunc blandit facilisis ligula. Fusce ac aliquam nunc, vitae vehicula massa. Quisque massa augue, mattis ut laoreet ultrices, consequat et dui. Mauris fringilla velit sit amet nulla egestas cursus. Fusce gravida lectus vitae nibh suscipit, vitae efficitur ipsum finibus. Quisque ac fringilla nibh. Vivamus auctor posuere risus ut suscipit. Phasellus laoreet rutrum justo quis hendrerit.
Image with Red Border Glow
Image with No Caption
This is a placeholder for the reference: fig-wikipedia-colour-test-image below should have no caption. The “Figure X” link at the start of this paragraph should still work, you just won’t be able to see the figure number below the image.
Other Features
Below should be a worked example. It should be an aside with info inside it. There should be numbered steps, and there should be equations in some of the steps.
Some inline code. x[2] = 3
. More text.
Some block code that shouldn’t have scroll bars, but should have a title and line numbers:
x[3] = 4;int y = x;if (y == 4) { printf("Hello, world!");}
Some block code that should have an x-axis scroll bar:
a long line of text a long line of text a long line of text a long line of text a long line of text a long line of text lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsumint y = x;
This is a footnote2.
This is another footnote4.
These bullet points should be close together:
- Here
- is a list
- of a few elements.
These bullet points should be spaced out:
is a list
of a few elements.
There should be a numbered list below:
- Here
- is a list
- of a few elements.
References, authors, related content and tags sections should be below (in that order).
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
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Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
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Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows
Texas Instruments (2020, Dec). Current Mode Control in Switching Power Supplies [Application Note]. Retrieved 2023-06-18, from ↩ ↩2
Another footnote ↩
University of Colorado Bolder (2020, Aug 7). Introduction to Peak Current Mode Control [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved 2023-06-18, from ↩