Git Quickstart Guide
Below is a quick start guide (aka cheet sheet) for using git.
# Create a new empty repo in a folder# (folder does not have to be empty)$ git init
# Clone a remote repo to local location$ git clone ./local-repo-folder
# Add changes (verbose flag helps!)# Note that this does not track deleted# files, use "git add -u -v" below$ git add . -v
# Use to track deleted files# ("git add ." does not do this)$ git add -u -v
# Stage all changed files, and show which files were staged$ git add -Av
# Interactive change-by-change staging$ git add -p
## Commit to repo$ git commit -m "Commit message."
## Add remote push location to Github (called "origin") for current repo# Note that this is the https method, and will require you to# enter your password on every push.$ git remote add origin
# Modify an existing push/pull location (in this case origin)$ git remote set-url origin https://new-url
# Remove remote push location added in previous command (in this case origin)$ git remote rm origin
# Delete local branches that are not present on remote$ git remote prune origin$ git remote prune origin --dry-run # Only list them, don't delete
# Push to Github repo added in above command$ git push origin
# Push a specific local branch to a specific remote branch$ git push origin my_local_branch:my_remote_branch
# To add a lightweight tag to the latest commit# (in this example I am adding a version number)$ git tag v2.1.0.5
# To remove the lightweight tag added above$ git tag -d v2.1.0.5
# Push tags to remote repo location assigned above ("gh")# (these are not pushed by default, and this does not# push deleted tags, see below)$ git push origin --tags
# Since I normally always want to push tags at the same# time as I push commits, I combine the two commands into# one line like so:$ git push origin; git push origin --tags
# To push deleted tags to a remote location# (so it deletes the tags at the remote)$ git push origin :refs/tags/v2.1.0.5
# Show git branches$ git branch # Local$ git branch -r # Remote$ git branch -a # Local and remote
# Create a new branch and checkout# to begin working on it$ git checkout -b my-new-branch
# List all tags in repo$ git tag
# Get repo info$ git status
# Add a new sub-module to existing repo# Note that the local install path is relative to the root directory# of the repo$ git submodule add ./local/install/path
# To revert all uncommitted changes to modified files and delete untracked# files/directories (useful if you done edits which you no longer wish to# keep). Calling git reset --hard will print the commit the repo falls back to.$ git reset --hard$ git clean -fd
# To print the SHA-1 (long version) of the current commit$ git rev-parse HEAD
# To print changes made in the last two commits (useful to get# back up to speed on what you're working on)$ git diff HEAD~2