Serialization Formats
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A review of popular serialization formats (CSV, JSON, YAML, e.t.c), including speed and memory comparisons.

A Comparison Of Serialization Formats
A review of popular serialization formats (CSV, JSON, YAML, e.t.c), including speed and memory comparisons.

The encoding and decoding process for packetizing (framing) data using Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS).

Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS)
The encoding and decoding process for packetizing (framing) data using Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS).
CSV (Comma-Seperated Value) Files
Syntax, code examples, standards and more info about comma-separated value (CSV) files.
CSV (Comma-Seperated Value) Files
Syntax, code examples, standards and more info about comma-separated value (CSV) files.


protobuf is an open-source, multi-language library from Google for serialising/deserialising data. Native + 3rd party support allows protobuf to be used in embedded systems.

protobuf is an open-source, multi-language library from Google for serialising/deserialising data. Native + 3rd party support allows protobuf to be used in embedded systems.
Serialization for Embedded Systems
When sending data between two microcontrollers (or between a microcontroller and a computer/server, e.g. IoT), you'll need some method of serializing and deserializing the data. This page details one such method leveraging the protobuf standard and the Nanopb library.
Serialization for Embedded Systems
When sending data between two microcontrollers (or between a microcontroller and a computer/server, e.g. IoT), you'll need some method of serializing and deserializing the data. This page details one such method leveraging the protobuf standard and the Nanopb library.

YAML, or YAML Ain't Markup Language, is a human-readable data serialization format. It is commonly used to store user-modifiable configuration data for software applications.

YAML, or YAML Ain't Markup Language, is a human-readable data serialization format. It is commonly used to store user-modifiable configuration data for software applications.