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Published On:
Oct 1, 2023
Last Updated:
Feb 8, 2024

Nordic has a range of microcontroller families. They specialize in low-power Bluetooth MCUs, and their portfolio includes the nRF52, nRF53 and nRF92 range of MCUs (they call them SOCs).

The nRF5 SDK entered maintenance mode around the year 2021-20221, with the intention that new FW projects would use the Nordic nRF Connect SDK instead.

Child Pages

MCU Comparison Table

This is a placeholder for the reference: fig-nordic-semi-product-comparison-table shows a high-level comparison of the Nordic Semiconductor MCUs.

A comparison of the Nordic Semiconductor MCUs.2

Access is Blocked by the SPU Error

If you get the following error:

Terminal window
PS C:\Users\geoff> nrfjprog --program C:\ --verify
[ #################### ] 0.000s | Finding image components - Finished
[error] [ Client] - Encountered error -93: Command program_file executed for 79 milliseconds with result -93
[error] [ nRF91] - Failed to preapre modem coprocessor for bootloader upload
[error] [ nRF91] - Failed to initialize modem
[error] [ Worker] - Memory access failed with SECUREFAULT at 1342189832.
ERROR: Access to the selected address is blocked by the SPU.

The problem in my case was an old version of nrfjprog. After upgrading from version 10.21.0 to 10.24.2, the above error was resolved.

Before upgrading:

Terminal window
PS C:\Users\geoff> nrfjprog --version
nrfjprog version: 10.21.0 external
JLinkARM.dll version: 7.94e

And after upgrading to 10.24.2:

Terminal window
PS C:\Users\geoff> nrfjprog --version
nrfjprog version: 10.24.2 external
JLinkARM.dll version: 7.94e


  1. Reddit. nRF5 SDK vs. nRF Connect SDK [Forum Post]. Retrieved 2024-02-08, from

  2. Nordic Semiconductor (2024, Dec). Product comparison table [pdf]. Retrieved 2025-02-12, from