This page serves as a basic tutorial on using the TikZ package, which is part of Latex. All of the below examples are rendered with QuickLatex using the wonderful Wordpress plugin WP-QuickLatex. The code examples omit the common start, preamble and end code sections for clarity. These are:
Drawing A Line
One of the simplist things you can do is draw a line…
Making A Box
Adding more lines is easy, lets make a box…
Adding Text
You can use the node object to add text at specific places.
Use the anchor to control where exactly the text goes. The anchor determines what part of the text is placed at the co-ordinate you give it. The code anchor west in above example means the west (left) part of the text will be placed at (2,0).
Lets Draw An Arrow!
Lines are not the only thing you can draw, lets draw an arrow. Notice the only difference from drawing a line is that \draw is now \draw[->].
How To Draw Graphs
Drawing The Grid
Grids can be useful to draw as the background to a graph. The following grid is drawn with grey, very thin lines so it suits well as a background.
Now Lets Add Some Axes
Axis can added easily to the previous grid by using…