Google Cloud
Google Cloud (a.k.a. Google Cloud Platform, or GCP) is a cloud computing service provided by Google.
Firebase is a Google Cloud service that provides a set of cloud-based features to make it easier to develop and deploy web applications. It bundles together hosting, database, authentication, file storage and other common cloud services into a single product.
Firestore is the NoSQL database provided by Firebase. It is a scalable database that offers offline support for mobile and web applications by caching reads/writes locally3. Data is stored in documents which are in turn grouped into collections. Firebase provides a web-based console for viewing and managing data in the Firestore.
Firebase CLI
Firebase provides a command line interface (CLI) that can be used to deploy and manage your Firebase projects. It can be installed via npm with the command4:
npm install -g firebase-tools
This will make the firebase
command globally available from your terminal.
To deploy the entire Firebase project, run the following command:
firebase deploy
To deploy only the functions, run the following command:
firebase deploy --only functions
You can (slightly) speed up deployments even more by only deploying a specific function, e.g.:
firebase deploy --only functions:functionName
Logs can be viewed in the Google Cloud console, or using the following Firebase CLI command:
firebase functions:log
Wikipedia (2021, Feb 8). Google Cloud logo [file]. Retrieved 2024-10-23, from ↩
Google. Firebase > Brand Guidelines. Retrieved 2024-10-24, from ↩
Google. Firebase > Documentation > Firestore > Build > Cloud Firestore. Retrieved 2024-10-24, from ↩
Google. Firebase > Documentation > Reference > Firebase CLI Reference [documentation]. Retrieved 2024-10-23, from ↩