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TO-5 Component Package

Published On:
Oct 27, 2015
Last Updated:
Oct 27, 2015

TO-5 (Transistor Outline 5) is a family of older-style through-hole metal can component packages. The most popular variant is the TO-5-3 (3 lead variant), but variants exists with 4, 6, 8 and 10 pins.

The body may have a transparent window (e.g. for phototransistors) or other feature on the top surface.

The diameter of the pin circumference can also vary. Diameters of 0.200” and 0.230” are common.

Figure 1: A photo of the TO-5 6-lead component package.

The original JEDEC TO-5 specification is shown below:

Figure 2: The original JEDEC TO-5 (TO-5-3) component package specification drawing. Image from



  • H-03B: Analog Devices



  • H06C: National Semiconductor



  • H08A: 0.230” diameter P.C. (pin circumference), National Semiconductor
  • H08C: 0.200” diameter P.C., National Semiconductor


Figure 3: Dimensions for the 8 leaded TO-5 (TO-5-8) component package.



  • H10C: 0.200” diameter P.C., National Semiconductor

Pin Numbering

The pin numbering is clockwise while looking at the package from the bottom.

Pin Circumference

The diameter of the pin circumference can vary between TO-5 packages. For example, there is a 8-pin TO-5 package with a pin diameter of 0.200”, and another with a diameter of 0.230”.


Sockets exist which fit TO-92 packages.

Similar To

  • TO-18
  • TO-39
  • TO-46
  • TO-205 (this almost supersedes the TO-5 package)

External Resources has some great information on the TO-5 component package as well as similar style metal can packages.