Child Pages

Analogue switches (transmission gates) are electronically controlled switches that allow voltage and current to flow in either direction. This page covers how they work, crosstalk, switching speeds, power consumption, examples and more.

Analogue Switches (Transmission Gates)
Analogue switches (transmission gates) are electronically controlled switches that allow voltage and current to flow in either direction. This page covers how they work, crosstalk, switching speeds, power consumption, examples and more.

A tutorial on analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), including accuracy, resolution, measuring techniques, usage in microcontrollers and more.

Analogue-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)
A tutorial on analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), including accuracy, resolution, measuring techniques, usage in microcontrollers and more.

Audio amplifiers are circuits used to amplify audio signals. Can can be made out of discrete components, or more commonly these days, come packaged as ICs. Audio amplifiers output an analogue audio signal, but the input can either be a smaller analogue signal or a digital signal.

Audio Amplifiers
Audio amplifiers are circuits used to amplify audio signals. Can can be made out of discrete components, or more commonly these days, come packaged as ICs. Audio amplifiers output an analogue audio signal, but the input can either be a smaller analogue signal or a digital signal.

Batteries store chemical potential energy and convert it to electrical energy to power your circuits! This section covers chemistries (lead acid, lithium-ion, lithium thionyl chloride, zinc-air), voltage, current draw, leakage current, discharge characteristics, energy density, temperature range, chemical reactions and more.

Batteries store chemical potential energy and convert it to electrical energy to power your circuits! This section covers chemistries (lead acid, lithium-ion, lithium thionyl chloride, zinc-air), voltage, current draw, leakage current, discharge characteristics, energy density, temperature range, chemical reactions and more.

Bucket brigade devices (BBDs) are analogue delay ICs that "shunt" charge along a series of switched capacitors to create a delay.

Bucket Brigade Devices (BBDs)
Bucket brigade devices (BBDs) are analogue delay ICs that "shunt" charge along a series of switched capacitors to create a delay.

Cables carry one or more electrical signals between two systems. This section contains insulation materials, cable types, standards, mutual capacitance and more info.

Cables carry one or more electrical signals between two systems. This section contains insulation materials, cable types, standards, mutual capacitance and more info.

A introduction to capacitors, a fundamental component used in circuit design. A walk-though of the different types, properties, uses and capacitor equations.

A introduction to capacitors, a fundamental component used in circuit design. A walk-though of the different types, properties, uses and capacitor equations.

Acronyms, power supplies, SIM cards, RF bands, software and more info about cellular modems.

Cellular Modems
Acronyms, power supplies, SIM cards, RF bands, software and more info about cellular modems.

Schematic symbols, designators, manufacturing part numbers are more info about common-mode chokes.

Common-mode Chokes
Schematic symbols, designators, manufacturing part numbers are more info about common-mode chokes.

Comparators vs. op-amps, types, gain, hysteresis, push-pull and open-drain output comparators, non-inverting and inverting configurations, PCB surface leakage and more info about the comparators.

Comparators vs. op-amps, types, gain, hysteresis, push-pull and open-drain output comparators, non-inverting and inverting configurations, PCB surface leakage and more info about the comparators.

Connectors electronically connect things like PCBs to wires, or PCBs to PCBs. This section covers terminology, types, manufacturers, common usages and more.

Connectors electronically connect things like PCBs to wires, or PCBs to PCBs. This section covers terminology, types, manufacturers, common usages and more.
Contactless Payment Devices
Contactless payment devices are devices that allow you to pay for goods and services using a contactless credit cards, EFTPOS cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and other means.
Contactless Payment Devices
Contactless payment devices are devices that allow you to pay for goods and services using a contactless credit cards, EFTPOS cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and other means.

Crystals are passive electronics components that can oscillate at very specific frequencies. They are used to create clock signals for digital circuitry. This page covers load capacitance, frequency accuracy and stability, schematic symbols, and more.

Crystals are passive electronics components that can oscillate at very specific frequencies. They are used to create clock signals for digital circuitry. This page covers load capacitance, frequency accuracy and stability, schematic symbols, and more.

Info about current mirrors.

Current Mirrors
Info about current mirrors.

Schematics, advantages/disadvantages, and uses of various current source/sink circuits.

Current Sources And Sinks
Schematics, advantages/disadvantages, and uses of various current source/sink circuits.

Delay lines are components which delay an analogue or digital signal by a certain amount of time.

Delay Lines
Delay lines are components which delay an analogue or digital signal by a certain amount of time.

How to recharge desiccant, a compound that can be used to keep moisture away from electronics.

How to recharge desiccant, a compound that can be used to keep moisture away from electronics.

The internal design, communication protocols, uses, and design considerations of digital potentiometers (DPOTs).

Digital Potentiometers (DPOTs)
The internal design, communication protocols, uses, and design considerations of digital potentiometers (DPOTs).

Architectures, how to read the datasheets, manufacturer part numbers and more info about Digital-to-Analogue Converters (DACs).

Digital-to-Analogue Converters (DACs)
Architectures, how to read the datasheets, manufacturer part numbers and more info about Digital-to-Analogue Converters (DACs).

Diodes are passive semiconductor components consisting of a single P-N junction. Their main property is that they only allow conduction of current in one direction. This section covers various types of diodes, including general purpose, Schottky, photodiodes, PIN diodes, Zener diodes, signal diodes and more.

Diodes are passive semiconductor components consisting of a single P-N junction. Their main property is that they only allow conduction of current in one direction. This section covers various types of diodes, including general purpose, Schottky, photodiodes, PIN diodes, Zener diodes, signal diodes and more.

EL wire, EL panels and more info about electroluminescence.

EL wire, EL panels and more info about electroluminescence.

How they work, uses, stepper motors, examples and more info about electropermanent magnets (EPMs).

Electropermanent Magnets (EPMs)
How they work, uses, stepper motors, examples and more info about electropermanent magnets (EPMs).

Incremental, overflow protection, PSoC peripherals and more info about encoders.

Incremental, overflow protection, PSoC peripherals and more info about encoders.

Computer fans, 3-wire, 4-wire, speed control and more info on fans.

Computer fans, 3-wire, 4-wire, speed control and more info on fans.

Impedance graphs, schematic symbols, important datasheet parameters, uses, example circuits and more info on ferrite beads.

Ferrite Beads
Impedance graphs, schematic symbols, important datasheet parameters, uses, example circuits and more info on ferrite beads.

Fibre optics are a way of sending signals using light through a fibre of glass. It is an alternative to using electrically conductive wires which is faster. This page covers TOSLINK, Versatile Link, ST/SC, LC, transceivers, connectors and more info.

Fibre Optics
Fibre optics are a way of sending signals using light through a fibre of glass. It is an alternative to using electrically conductive wires which is faster. This page covers TOSLINK, Versatile Link, ST/SC, LC, transceivers, connectors and more info.

Info on FPGA's.

Info on FPGA's.

Schematic symbols, an explanation on 2 and 3-electrode versions, important parameters, how they work, and more info on gas discharge tubes (GDTs).

Gas Discharge Tubes (GDTs)
Schematic symbols, an explanation on 2 and 3-electrode versions, important parameters, how they work, and more info on gas discharge tubes (GDTs).

GNSS modules are electronic modules which use signals sent from satellite constellations to determine their position on earth and the current time. This page covers frequencies, types of antennas, microcontroller communication, and more.

GNSS (GPS) Modules
GNSS modules are electronic modules which use signals sent from satellite constellations to determine their position on earth and the current time. This page covers frequencies, types of antennas, microcontroller communication, and more.

Schematics, circuits, half-bridges, transistor-based design, motors, controlling bi-color LEDs and more info about H-bridges.

Schematics, circuits, half-bridges, transistor-based design, motors, controlling bi-color LEDs and more info about H-bridges.

Hall-effect sensors are used to detect the presence of a magnetic field.

Hall-effect Sensors
Hall-effect sensors are used to detect the presence of a magnetic field.

Heatsinks are used to conduct heat away from electronic components.

Heatsinks And Thermal Interfaces
Heatsinks are used to conduct heat away from electronic components.

Important parameters, schematic symbols, series/parallel connections, core materials, construction methods, saturation currents, packages, uses/applications and more info on inductors.

Important parameters, schematic symbols, series/parallel connections, core materials, construction methods, saturation currents, packages, uses/applications and more info on inductors.

Infrared emitting diodes, photodiodes, thermopiles, pyroelectrics, passive infrared receiver (PIR) sensors, emissivities and more info on infrared devices.

IR Devices
Infrared emitting diodes, photodiodes, thermopiles, pyroelectrics, passive infrared receiver (PIR) sensors, emissivities and more info on infrared devices.

LCD screens are used in embedded devices to display simple text and graphics. This page covers the types of LCD screens, MCU interfaces, mounting, and more.

LCD Screens
LCD screens are used in embedded devices to display simple text and graphics. This page covers the types of LCD screens, MCU interfaces, mounting, and more.

Memory is an electronic component which stores digital data in either a volatile (e.g. RAM) or non-volatile manner (e.g. flash). This section covers EEPROM, flash, SD cards and more.

Memory is an electronic component which stores digital data in either a volatile (e.g. RAM) or non-volatile manner (e.g. flash). This section covers EEPROM, flash, SD cards and more.

Info on microphones.

Info on microphones.

Brushed DC, brushless, AC inductor, universal motors, half-bridge/full-bridge driver circuits and more info on electrical motors.

Brushed DC, brushless, AC inductor, universal motors, half-bridge/full-bridge driver circuits and more info on electrical motors.

Multiplexers select one of many input signals and connect it to a single output signal. Demultiplexers do the reverse. This page covers analogue devices and datasheet parameters.

Multiplexers And Demultiplexers
Multiplexers select one of many input signals and connect it to a single output signal. Demultiplexers do the reverse. This page covers analogue devices and datasheet parameters.

OLED screens use miniature organic LEDs to display a pixel based picture. This page covers resolutions, physical sizes, communication methods, driver IC's, and more.

OLED Screens
OLED screens use miniature organic LEDs to display a pixel based picture. This page covers resolutions, physical sizes, communication methods, driver IC's, and more.

On/off controllers are ICs which are designed to control the power state of a device, typically from a push button or similar user input.

On/Off Controllers
On/off controllers are ICs which are designed to control the power state of a device, typically from a push button or similar user input.

Schematic symbol, example circuits, equations, applications and more info about operational amplifiers (op-amps).

Schematic symbol, example circuits, equations, applications and more info about operational amplifiers (op-amps).

Transistor output optocouplers, schematic symbols, phototriac output optocouplers, component packages and more info on optical isolators.

Optical Isolators
Transistor output optocouplers, schematic symbols, phototriac output optocouplers, component packages and more info on optical isolators.

Important parameters, MEMS oscillators, Wien bridges, ring oscillators and more info about oscillators.

Important parameters, MEMS oscillators, Wien bridges, ring oscillators and more info about oscillators.

Construction, important parameters, examples and more info on Peltier devices (thermoelectric coolers).

Peltiers (Thermoelectric Coolers)
Construction, important parameters, examples and more info on Peltier devices (thermoelectric coolers).

The schematic symbol, frequency response, driver circuits, benders, multi-layer speakers, mounting considerations, home-made crystals and more info about piezoelectric speakers.

Piezoelectric Speakers
The schematic symbol, frequency response, driver circuits, benders, multi-layer speakers, mounting considerations, home-made crystals and more info about piezoelectric speakers.

Potentiometers And Rheostats

Power regulators aim to convert input voltages and currents into different output voltages and currents. This section covers SMPS, linear regulators, charge pumps, voltage references and more.

Power Regulators
Power regulators aim to convert input voltages and currents into different output voltages and currents. This section covers SMPS, linear regulators, charge pumps, voltage references and more.

A PTC resettable fuse is a passive electronic component used to protect against excessive load currents and short-circuits in electronic circuits. This page covers how they work, schematic symbols, important parameters, types, applications, manufacturers, and more.

PTC Resettable Fuses
A PTC resettable fuse is a passive electronic component used to protect against excessive load currents and short-circuits in electronic circuits. This page covers how they work, schematic symbols, important parameters, types, applications, manufacturers, and more.

Real-Time Clock (RTC) ICs are chips which accurately track calender time. They are generally designed for low-power operation so that they can run of a small battery such as a coin cell. They are normally included on circuits and connected to a microcontroller when the application requires the microcontroller to keep track of time.

Real Time Clock (RTC) ICs
Real-Time Clock (RTC) ICs are chips which accurately track calender time. They are generally designed for low-power operation so that they can run of a small battery such as a coin cell. They are normally included on circuits and connected to a microcontroller when the application requires the microcontroller to keep track of time.

Relays are electronic components which can switch a load on and off from an isolated control signal. There are traditional mechanical relays and more modern solid-state relays. This section contains information on both types.

Relays are electronic components which can switch a load on and off from an isolated control signal. There are traditional mechanical relays and more modern solid-state relays. This section contains information on both types.

Resistors are passive electronic components that restrict the flow of current when a voltage is applied across them. They dissipate the energy lost as heat. Given their simplicity, usefulness and low price of manufacture, they are typically the most commonly used electronic component in any circuit design. This page covers the schematic symbols, resistors in series and parallel, resistor dividers, tolerances, the E series, resistor manufacturing processes, power resistors, current-sense resistors, jumpers, volume resistance, parasitic elements and more.

Resistors are passive electronic components that restrict the flow of current when a voltage is applied across them. They dissipate the energy lost as heat. Given their simplicity, usefulness and low price of manufacture, they are typically the most commonly used electronic component in any circuit design. This page covers the schematic symbols, resistors in series and parallel, resistor dividers, tolerances, the E series, resistor manufacturing processes, power resistors, current-sense resistors, jumpers, volume resistance, parasitic elements and more.

RF shields are components which are used to absorb/dissipate RF noise/emissions. They are used both to protect sensitive circuits from external noise and to reduce the emissions of noisy circuits.

RF Shields
RF shields are components which are used to absorb/dissipate RF noise/emissions. They are used both to protect sensitive circuits from external noise and to reduce the emissions of noisy circuits.

Terminology, antennas and more on satellite modems.

Satellite Modems
Terminology, antennas and more on satellite modems.

Info on accelerometers, CO2 sensors, humidity sensors, light sensors, motion sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors and more.

Info on accelerometers, CO2 sensors, humidity sensors, light sensors, motion sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors and more.

Definition, configurations, uses, example circuit schematics and more information about shift registers.

Shift Registers
Definition, configurations, uses, example circuit schematics and more information about shift registers.

Peak power point, partial illumination, surface area based specific power, operating temperature range, charging batteries, and more on solar cells.

Solar Cells
Peak power point, partial illumination, surface area based specific power, operating temperature range, charging batteries, and more on solar cells.

Info on spark gaps.

Spark Gaps
Info on spark gaps.

Info on switched-capacitor filters.

Switched-Capacitor Filters
Info on switched-capacitor filters.

Info on switched integrator ICs.

Switched Integrator ICs
Info on switched integrator ICs.

Mechanical switches are electro-mechanical components which electrically connect and disconnect pins.

Mechanical switches are electro-mechanical components which electrically connect and disconnect pins.

Info on system basis chips (SBCs).

System Basis Chips (SBCs)
Info on system basis chips (SBCs).

Thermal jumper chips are PCB components whose sole purpose is to provide good thermal conductivity between two pads on a PCB.

Thermal Jumper Chips
Thermal jumper chips are PCB components whose sole purpose is to provide good thermal conductivity between two pads on a PCB.

History, modes of operation, schematics and more info on the timers and multivibrators.

Timers And Multivibrators
History, modes of operation, schematics and more info on the timers and multivibrators.

Transformation ratios, power equivalence, mutual inductance, coupling coefficients, non-ideal transformer losses and more info on transformers.

Transformation ratios, power equivalence, mutual inductance, coupling coefficients, non-ideal transformer losses and more info on transformers.

BJTs, MOSFETs, JFETs, IGBTs, SCRs and more info on transistors.

BJTs, MOSFETs, JFETs, IGBTs, SCRs and more info on transistors.

A TRIAC (TRIode for Alternating Current) is a 4-layer semiconductor device that conducts current in either direction when given a signal.

A TRIAC (TRIode for Alternating Current) is a 4-layer semiconductor device that conducts current in either direction when given a signal.

A vacuum tube is a device which controls a electric current through a vacuum created by a sealed container.

Vacuum Tubes
A vacuum tube is a device which controls a electric current through a vacuum created by a sealed container.

A varistor (VDR) is an electrical component whose resistance depends on the applied voltage. This page contains information on their schematic symbols, how they work, and important parameters.

Varistors (VDRs)
A varistor (VDR) is an electrical component whose resistance depends on the applied voltage. This page contains information on their schematic symbols, how they work, and important parameters.

Voltage-level translators are used to convert digital logic signals from one voltage level to another. This page contains information on topologies, suppliers, and examples.

Voltage-Level Translators
Voltage-level translators are used to convert digital logic signals from one voltage level to another. This page contains information on topologies, suppliers, and examples.

Voltage supervisors are ICs that monitor a voltage and output a digital logic level which changes state if the voltage is above or below a threshold.

Voltage Supervisors
Voltage supervisors are ICs that monitor a voltage and output a digital logic level which changes state if the voltage is above or below a threshold.