Circuit Design
Child Pages

A tutorial on analogue electronic filters, including low-pass/high-pass 1st order RC, LC and RLC filters and 2nd order RC, Sallen-Key filter topologies.

Analogue Filters
A tutorial on analogue electronic filters, including low-pass/high-pass 1st order RC, LC and RLC filters and 2nd order RC, Sallen-Key filter topologies.

Info on dipoles and PCB antennas.

Antenna Design
Info on dipoles and PCB antennas.

Schematics, equations and worked examples for the BJT common collector amplifier.

BJT Common Collector Amplifier
Schematics, equations and worked examples for the BJT common collector amplifier.

Schematics, equations and worked examples for the BJT common emitter amplifier.

BJT Common Emitter Amplifier
Schematics, equations and worked examples for the BJT common emitter amplifier.

Positional sensing, trapezoidal control, sinusoidal control, sensor field orientated control, the Clark and Park transformations, PWM and more info on BLDC motor control.

BLDC Motor Control
Positional sensing, trapezoidal control, sinusoidal control, sensor field orientated control, the Clark and Park transformations, PWM and more info on BLDC motor control.

Capacitive sensing is a widely used technique for proximity detection, touch-screens, linear and rotation encoders and more. This section covers sensing methods, capacitive touch sensors, linear and rotational capacitive sensors, and more.

Capacitive Sensing
Capacitive sensing is a widely used technique for proximity detection, touch-screens, linear and rotation encoders and more. This section covers sensing methods, capacitive touch sensors, linear and rotational capacitive sensors, and more.

A list of the most popular component designators used on schematics and PCB silkscreens.

Component Schematic Symbols and Designators
A list of the most popular component designators used on schematics and PCB silkscreens.
Current Sensing
Info on low-side current sensing.
Current Sensing
Info on low-side current sensing.

Debouncing is the technique of removing multiple state changes from a device such as a switch caused when mechanical contacts touch. This page covers schematics, waveforms, hardware vs. firmware debouncing and more info.

Debouncing is the technique of removing multiple state changes from a device such as a switch caused when mechanical contacts touch. This page covers schematics, waveforms, hardware vs. firmware debouncing and more info.

Delay circuits are used to delay the progression of a analogue or digital signal through a circuit. This page covers a range of techniques for creating delays, including RC/Schmitt trigger circuits, 555 timers, long pieces of wire, delay line ICs, bucket brigade ICs, and microcontrollers.

Delay Circuits
Delay circuits are used to delay the progression of a analogue or digital signal through a circuit. This page covers a range of techniques for creating delays, including RC/Schmitt trigger circuits, 555 timers, long pieces of wire, delay line ICs, bucket brigade ICs, and microcontrollers.

Digital logic is the study and application of the fundamentals in digital (binary) electronics, e.g. gates, flip-flops, state machines. This page covers gate design, interactive circuits, latches, flip-flops and more.

Digital Logic
Digital logic is the study and application of the fundamentals in digital (binary) electronics, e.g. gates, flip-flops, state machines. This page covers gate design, interactive circuits, latches, flip-flops and more.

Electrical noise is the usually unintentional introduction of voltage/current disturbance in an electrical signal. This page covers noise spectral densities, the colours of noise, thermal noise, shot noise, and more.

Electrical Noise
Electrical noise is the usually unintentional introduction of voltage/current disturbance in an electrical signal. This page covers noise spectral densities, the colours of noise, thermal noise, shot noise, and more.

Enclosures are mechanical objects that can house electronics and other parts of a device. This page contains info on extruded aluminium enclosures for PCB projects.

Enclosures are mechanical objects that can house electronics and other parts of a device. This page contains info on extruded aluminium enclosures for PCB projects.

ESD protection is resilience against unintended high-voltage transients which appear on electrical conductors. The page covers capacitors, zeners, TVS diodes, MOVs, GDTs, spark gaps, series resistance and more.

ESD Protection
ESD protection is resilience against unintended high-voltage transients which appear on electrical conductors. The page covers capacitors, zeners, TVS diodes, MOVs, GDTs, spark gaps, series resistance and more.
Four Terminal (4T) Sensing
Four terminal sensing is a precise method of measuring resistance that uses four wires.
Four Terminal (4T) Sensing
Four terminal sensing is a precise method of measuring resistance that uses four wires.
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) allows data to be sent over a cellular network.
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) allows data to be sent over a cellular network.

A tutorial on how to create sine waves from digital square waves and analogue RC filters. Includes simulations and bode plots.

How To Create Sine Waves From Square Waves And RC Filters
A tutorial on how to create sine waves from digital square waves and analogue RC filters. Includes simulations and bode plots.
Inrush Current
How to use resistors and NTC thermistors to limit inrush current to a circuit.
Inrush Current
How to use resistors and NTC thermistors to limit inrush current to a circuit.
Kirchhoff's Circuit Laws
Kirchhoff's circuit laws are two fundamental circuit design laws that describe the sums of currents and voltages in electrical circuits.
Kirchhoff's Circuit Laws
Kirchhoff's circuit laws are two fundamental circuit design laws that describe the sums of currents and voltages in electrical circuits.
Light Dimmers
Resistive dimming, phase cutting, zero-cross detection, LED light dimming and more info on light dimmers.
Light Dimmers
Resistive dimming, phase cutting, zero-cross detection, LED light dimming and more info on light dimmers.

Schematics, circuit explanations, equations and more info on load switches.

Load Switches
Schematics, circuit explanations, equations and more info on load switches.
Logic Families
CMOS, TTL, latch-up and other info about logic families.
Logic Families
CMOS, TTL, latch-up and other info about logic families.
Made For iPod/iPhone/iPad (MFi)
The iPos Accessory Protocol (iAP) and more info about the MFi program.
Made For iPod/iPhone/iPad (MFi)
The iPos Accessory Protocol (iAP) and more info about the MFi program.
PCB Fault Finding
Different types of PCB faults and how to fix them.
PCB Fault Finding
Different types of PCB faults and how to fix them.
Power Management
Power management ICs (PMICs), UVLO/OVLOs, hysteresis, circuit disabling, suicide switches and more info on power management.
Power Management
Power management ICs (PMICs), UVLO/OVLOs, hysteresis, circuit disabling, suicide switches and more info on power management.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Info on PWM peripherals, including operating modes and complementary outputs.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Info on PWM peripherals, including operating modes and complementary outputs.

Circuit schematics, equations, time constants, plots and more info about RC charging circuits.

RC Charging Circuits
Circuit schematics, equations, time constants, plots and more info about RC charging circuits.

Acronyms, frequencies, power configurations, readers, modules, chips, tags, inlays, labels, cables, metal compatibility, antennas, standards, recycling, software, manufacturers/suppliers, and external links for RFID.

Acronyms, frequencies, power configurations, readers, modules, chips, tags, inlays, labels, cables, metal compatibility, antennas, standards, recycling, software, manufacturers/suppliers, and external links for RFID.

Small-signal analysis is a method of analysing circuits by linearising non-linear components and removing DC sources. This page explains the method and shows examples.

Small-Signal Analysis
Small-signal analysis is a method of analysing circuits by linearising non-linear components and removing DC sources. This page explains the method and shows examples.
Smith Charts
What they look like, how to interpret them, solving impedance matching problems, and more info on Smith charts.
Smith Charts
What they look like, how to interpret them, solving impedance matching problems, and more info on Smith charts.
Snubber Circuits
Snubber circuits are used to suppress voltage spikes in circuits.
Snubber Circuits
Snubber circuits are used to suppress voltage spikes in circuits.

Switched-capacitor circuits are circuits which move electronic charge in and out of capacitors using electronics switches. They are commonly manipulated to make a "tunable" resistance which depends on the switching frequency. This page shows schematics, equations, resistances, filters, charge-pumps and more.

Switched-Capacitor Circuits
Switched-capacitor circuits are circuits which move electronic charge in and out of capacitors using electronics switches. They are commonly manipulated to make a "tunable" resistance which depends on the switching frequency. This page shows schematics, equations, resistances, filters, charge-pumps and more.

A helpful guide for designing schematics and PCBs.

The Schematic And PCB Design Guide
A helpful guide for designing schematics and PCBs.

Thermal management is the process of managing heat in electronic circuits. This page shows how to calculate thermal resistance.

Thermal Management
Thermal management is the process of managing heat in electronic circuits. This page shows how to calculate thermal resistance.

The Seebeck effect and the Peltier effect are two thermoelectric effects relating to temperature gradients and voltages. This page covers the physics behind these principles and how they can be used to make thermocouples.

Thermoelectric Effect
The Seebeck effect and the Peltier effect are two thermoelectric effects relating to temperature gradients and voltages. This page covers the physics behind these principles and how they can be used to make thermocouples.
Transmission Lines
What they are, dielectrics constants, characteristic impedances, reflections, co-planar waveguides, effects of vias and more info on transmission lines.
Transmission Lines
What they are, dielectrics constants, characteristic impedances, reflections, co-planar waveguides, effects of vias and more info on transmission lines.
Voltage-To-Current Converters
Howland current sources, pre-built ICs and more info on voltage-to-current converters.
Voltage-To-Current Converters
Howland current sources, pre-built ICs and more info on voltage-to-current converters.
What Are Transfer Functions, Poles, And Zeroes?
An introduction to transfer functions, poles, and zeroes in the context of electrical systems.
What Are Transfer Functions, Poles, And Zeroes?
An introduction to transfer functions, poles, and zeroes in the context of electrical systems.

A Wheatstone bridge is a circuit consisting of four resistive components that is used to perform accurate measurements of resistance, for example in load cells. This page covers schematics, equations, and more.

Wheatstone Bridges
A Wheatstone bridge is a circuit consisting of four resistive components that is used to perform accurate measurements of resistance, for example in load cells. This page covers schematics, equations, and more.