Child Pages

How to design circuits, including info on analogue filters, transistor amplifiers, cap sensing, digital logic, ESD, power management, thermal management, and more.

Circuit Design
How to design circuits, including info on analogue filters, transistor amplifiers, cap sensing, digital logic, ESD, power management, thermal management, and more.

Tutorials on various embedded-related communication protocols, including UART, SPI, I2C, USB, RS-485, CAN bus, 1-Wire, Ethernet, LIN, ModBus, PCI/PCIe and more.

Communication Protocols
Tutorials on various embedded-related communication protocols, including UART, SPI, I2C, USB, RS-485, CAN bus, 1-Wire, Ethernet, LIN, ModBus, PCI/PCIe and more.
Info on compliance.
Info on compliance.

Construction, how they work, schematics, design guidance and more info on all sorts of electronic components.

Construction, how they work, schematics, design guidance and more info on all sorts of electronic components.

Info on EMC design guidelines, standards and test procedures.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Info on EMC design guidelines, standards and test procedures.

General electronics information.

General electronics information.

Low power design tips for embedded systems.

Low Power Design
Low power design tips for embedded systems.

Contains the various hobby electronics projects I have worked on.

Contains the various hobby electronics projects I have worked on.

Info on RF design.

RF Design
Info on RF design.

Teardowns (with lots of images) of various electronic devices.

Teardowns (with lots of images) of various electronic devices.

Descriptions, usages, pictures and more info of various tools used by embedded engineers.

Descriptions, usages, pictures and more info of various tools used by embedded engineers.