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Site Info

Geoffrey Hunter Author

Site History

2004: Blog Started As "Kaboom Pyrotechnics"

This blog started of called "Kaboom Pyrotechnics". And yup, you guessed it, it solely contained information on how to make fireworks. It was initially designed in Microsoft Front Page and then in Dreamweaver. These were both WYSIWYG editors!

The homepage of the original blog back in 2004.

Yes and that is a <marquee> HTML element right underneath the main image there, I was so classy back then.

2010: Blog Renamed geoWeb, Moved Hosting

2011-01: Blog Renamed CladLabs, Migrated To Drupal, Moved Onto Paid Hosting

2011-09: Migrated To Wordpress

A screenshot of the C# programming page just after the migration to Wordpress (take in December 2011).

2013-04: Background Darkened

This is when I switched from using a light theme to a dark theme.

The CladLabs background has been changed to a dark, dark grey (April 2013).

Some of the banner images this site used at this time were:

Banner image relating to the coil gun I made.
Banner image relating to the retro valve-operated radio that I renovated and added Spotify playback to.
Banner image advertising the component packages section of this blog.
Banner image taking the reader to the project page for the electric skateboard I built.
Banner image with photos with myself messing around with a neon-sign transformer.
Banner image taking the reader to the project page for the temperature regulated 'iNursery' I built.
Banner image advertising the Luxcity 'Tonic' project I was involved in.
Banner image advertising the op-amp section of this blog.

2014: Blog Renamed To

A screenshot of the frontpage header just after blog was moved from to (the theme was essentially kept the same).

2015: Updated To The Wordpress TwentyFifteen Theme

In 2015, in an attempt to simplify the aesthetics of the blog and reduce "clutter", the blog underwent it's biggest design transition --- from a dark-based theme (as shown above), to the custom light-based theme that was loosely based of the stock Wordpress TwentyFifteeen theme.

2017-03: Blog Moved To Subdomain

  • Name:
  • URL:
  • Hosted By: GoDaddy (shared Linux hosting)
  • Powered By: Wordpress

2017-12: Blog Moved From Wordpress To Hugo

  • Name:
  • URL:
  • Hosted By: netlify
  • Powered By: Hugo

Migrated from Wordpress (full-blown CMS) to Hugo (static-site generator). The GitHub repo that the site is generated from can be found at

The homepage just after migrating to Hugo in December 2018.

A full post with more information on this migration can be found here.

The decrease in page views after the migration from a Wordpress powered site to a statically-generated site powered by Hugo. There were no domain/page URL changes during this migration.

2024-07 Blog Migrated From Hugo To Docusaurus

This lets me use React components in the markdown files, which is a big win compared to Hugos shortcodes. Hugo shortcode syntax is definitely not as nice as React and it's .jsx, and I have React experience from other projects. You couldn't easily nest/compose Hugo shortcodes either, whilst in React this is a trivial task.

This meant porting all the page content from markdown files using Hugo shortcodes for additional features such as images, admonitions to .mdx files using React components for the additional features.

A screenshot of a typical page before the migration to Docusaurus.

Site Info

Arial font is used for image watermarks.


Blue: #3465a4 Orange: #ea7500 Main red color: #dc3545