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Python Virtual Environments

Geoffrey Hunter Author


When writing a Python application, you will likely pull in a number of third party libraries, typically installed by a package manager such as pip or conda. The application will typically depend on a specific version of each library (or a narrow range of versions). This can cause conflicts if other Python applications on your computer require different versions of the same package.

The solution to this problem is to create a separate installation space for all of the libraries, specific to the application that uses them. This is called a virtual environment.

Python has a few popular frameworks for creating virtual environments.



Started at Python 3, virtualenv is installed as venv with your Python installation. For Python 2.x users, you can install virtualenv with:

$ pip install virtualenv # Python 2.x users only

env will be the name of the virtual environment.

python -m venv env

This will create a directory called env in your current working directory.

To activate (on UNIX or macOS):

$ source env/bin/activate

To deactivate:

$ deactivate

To save all the libraries to a requirements.txt (Linux or Windows cmd.exe):

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Be careful if running the above command in PowerShell on Windows! By default, PowerShell will probably not use UTF-8 encoding but a non-standard UTF-16 LE. To prevent this, use the following command instead:

pip freeze | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 requirements.txt


pipenv is a third-party Python virtual environment framework alternative to the built-in venv.


$ pip install --user pipenv