Local Jumps (goto)

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The label operator (:) and goto statement in C allows you to perform local jumps. A local jump is a jump in code execution within the same function. This is opposed to non-local jumps, which can jump between functions (setjmp() and longjmp()). The reason jumps are split into two categories is that local jumps are “easier” for the user/compiler to handle, because the stack does not need to be saved/switched.

C Supports URL’s, Wait What?

Did you know that:


is valid syntax in C? Wait, what? O.K., I was lying, C doesn’t support URLs, but the syntax is still valid! What it actually represents is a label (http:), followed by a single-line comment (//www.google.com).


Geoffrey Hunter

Dude making stuff.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .


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