Markdown Test Page

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Child Pages

  • Relative Page
  • Is the breadcrumb working above ^^^ ???

    There should be a TOC either above (narrow screens) or in the right sidebar (wide screen).

    Bold, italics.

    Page Title

    Heading (h2) (should be a number on left)

    Heading (h3)


    Some display math with a reference:

    $$ f(x) = \frac{2}{3}$$

    Some inline math. \(f(x) = \frac{2}{3}\). More normal text.

    An equation with \begin{equation}, which should be automatically numbered:

    \begin{equation} \int_0^\infty \frac{x^3}{e^x-1}\,dx = \frac{\pi^4}{15} \label{eq:sample} \end{equation}

    And a reference to the above equation: In equation \(\eqref{eq:sample}\), we find the value of an interesting integral.

    To align equations we can use:

    \begin{align} A &= B\\ &= C\\ &= D \end{align}

    These should be \small and \tiny equations:

    $$\begin{align} \small y=x \\ \tiny y=x \end{align}$$

    Should have some descriptive text:

    $$\begin{align} y &= x && \text{Because \(y=x\), duh.} \\ &= z && \text{Replacing \(x\) with \(z\).} \end{align}$$

    First equation should not be numbered, second one should:

    $$\begin{align} y &= x \nonumber \\ &= z \end{align}$$

    None of the equations should be numbered (but still should be aligned):

    \begin{align*} y &= x \\ &= z \end{align*}

    Custom Latex macros:

    This should be bold: \( \b{x} \)

    This should be bold and have a hat: \( \bhat{x} \)

    Hugo Math

    Some display math with a reference:

    $$ f(x) = \frac{2}{3}$$

    Some inline math. \(f(x) = \frac{2}{3}\). More normal text.

    An equation with \begin{equation}, which should be automatically numbered:

    $$\begin{equation} \int_0^\infty \frac{x^3}{e^x-1}\,dx = \frac{\pi^4}{15} \label{eq:sample-hugo} \end{equation}$$

    And a reference to the above equation: In \(Eq.\ \eqref{eq:sample-hugo}\), we find the value of an interesting integral.

    To align equations we can use:

    $$\begin{align} A &= B\\ &= C\\ &= D \end{align}$$

    These should be \small and \tiny equations:

    $$\begin{align} \small y=x \\ \tiny y=x \end{align}$$

    Should have some descriptive text:

    $$\begin{align} y &= x && \text{Because \(y=x\), duh.} \\ &= z && \text{Replacing \(x\) with \(z\).} \end{align}$$

    First equation should not be numbered, second one should:

    $$\begin{align} y &= x \nonumber \\ &= z \end{align}$$

    None of the equations should be numbered (but still should be aligned):

    $$\begin{align*} y &= x \\ &= z \end{align*}$$

    Custom Latex macros:

    • This should be bold: \( \b{x} \)
    • This should be bold and have a hat: \( \bhat{x} \)


    A divider below:

    References (bib shortcode)

    A reference to first resource hello.

    Second ref ishello between here.

    A second link to first resourcehello.


    A markdown table:

    Heading 1Heading 2

    Here should be a reference to the below table: ERROR: tbl-doesnt-mean-anything REF NOT FOUND

    Data that doesn't mean anything. This caption should be prefixed with "Table 1: ".

    A wide HTML table (we should be able to scroll horizontally):



    The logo is shown in ERROR: fig-cartoon-ninja REF NOT FOUND.

    This should be an clickable image of the logo. **Bold text**. An equation: \(x^2\). Always use '%' and not '<' in the hugo shortcode delimiters to render equations and footnotes. There should be a footnote number at the end of this sentence[^foot-1].

    This should be an clickable image of the logo. Bold text. An equation: \(x^2\). Always use ‘%’ and not ‘<’ in the hugo shortcode delimiters to render equations and footnotes. There should be a footnote number at the end of this sentence1.

    Link to an image which is not a page resource is shown in ERROR: fig-cartoon-ninja-2 REF NOT FOUND

    Caption for non-page resource image.

    Caption for non-page resource image.



    This is an example. There should be a reference at the end here2.

    NOTE: This Has a Custom Title!

    This is a note. It should also have a custom title.


    This is a tip.


    This is a warning.


    This has code inside the aside:

    print('Hello, world!')

    There should be an equation here: \(y = x^2\)

    Below should be a worked example. It should be an aside with info inside it. There should be numbered steps, and there should be equations in some of the steps.


    Design Procedure:

    1. Decide on the program current, \(I_P\). This will also be the current through the load. We’ll use this value later! For this example we’ll choose \(1mA\).

    2. Find the voltage across \(R_1\), nothing that \(Q_1\) has a diode voltage drop of \(0.7V\) from emitter to base (with the emitter tied to \(V_{CC}\)), at that the base and collector of \(Q_1\) are tied together and hence at the same voltage:

      $$\begin{align} V_{R1} &= 12V - 0.7V \nonumber \\ &= 11.3V \end{align}$$
    3. Set the resistance of \(R_1\) using Ohm’s Law:

      $$\begin{align} R_1 &= \frac{V_{R1}}{I_P} \nonumber \\ &= \frac{11.3V}{1mA} \nonumber \\ &= 11.3k\Omega \end{align}$$
    4. All done!


    Some of the syntax highlighting settings are set in config.yaml under markup -> highlight.

    Some inline code. x[2] = 3. More text.

    Some block code that shouldn’t have scroll bars, but should have line numbers:

    x[3] = 4;
    int y = x;
    if (y == 4) {
      printf("Hello, world!");

    Some block code that should have an x-axis scroll bar:

    a long line of text a long line of text a long line of text a long line of text a long line of text a long line of text lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum lorem dipsum
    int y = x;

    Code Comments

    You should not see anything rendered below until the next heading.


    This is a footnote1.

    This is another footnote3.


    • The first reference. This should be bold.
    • The second reference.

    External link


    • Here

    • is a list

    • of a few elements.


    References, authors, related content and tags sections should be below (in that order).

    • Application note2.
    • Video reference4.

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

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    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows

    Lots Of Headings So TOC Overflows


    1. The footnote text. ↩︎ ↩︎

    2. Texas Instruments (2020, Dec). Current Mode Control in Switching Power Supplies [Application Note]. Retrieved 2023-06-18, from↩︎ ↩︎

    3. Another footnote ↩︎

    4. University of Colorado Bolder (2020, Aug 7). Introduction to Peak Current Mode Control [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved 2023-06-18, from↩︎


    Geoffrey Hunter

    Dude making stuff.

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .

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