Happy New Year 2022

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First of, happy new year!


This year I decided to present the stats a little differently and made the infographic below.

Blog statistics infographic for 2021.

Blog statistics infographic for 2021.

The infographic image was made in “Canva” (an online diagram/image editing app). You can view the source image here.


  • Started the upgrade from CSS to SCSS (using hugo-extended).
  • Started migrating from Markdown to AsciiDoc (using AsciiDoctor support provided by Hugo).
  • Settled on a colour scheme and program (Affinity Designer) for drawing diagrams.
  • Purchased both Affinity Designer (for making diagrams) and Affinity Photo (for touching up photos), and both have been well worth their one-of purchase price (take that, Adobe and your subscription model).
  • Upgraded the main menu from hover style interface to an accordion style interface, making it more user friendly for people using touchscreen devices.
  • Upgraded the base layout of every page to use Bootstrap responsive columns, rather than my own custom CSS to achieve the same level of responsiveness.


Geoffrey Hunter

Dude making stuff.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .

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