Disqus "Ads" Removed

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It was only when I viewed my website from another person’s computer that I realised that the disqus commenting system was adding ads (an “Around The Web” section) to the bottom of this site’s pages. I have a strong aversion to ads (especially IRRELEVANT ones like disqus was adding), even though they could potentially earn me money (I had earnt around US$12 so far, sarcastic yay!).

Screenshot with disqus ads present.

Screenshot with disqus ads present.

After looking through the disqus setting on this site, I discovered that I had to remove them through the admin panel on www.disqus.com.

Disabling disqus ads.

Disabling disqus ads.

Now we are back to normal!

Screenshot with disqus ads removed.

Screenshot with disqus ads removed.


Geoffrey Hunter

Dude making stuff.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .


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